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Mountain Wolf

Fourteen-year-old Razaq Khan lives in the Pakistani tribal area of Kala Dhaka, Black Mountain. When an earthquake devastates his family home, his dying father tells him to go to his Uncle Javaid.

On the way a man helps him but Razaq soon realises he hasn't been helped at all - he has been sold into slavery.

For high school readers

Also available as an eBook

Themes: Asian content, child trafficking, social justice, human rights, Pakistani culture, earthquake disaster, friendship & sacrifice.

 Award & Recommendations 

Notable Book, Children's Book Council of Australia, 2013

Recommendation for summer/Christmas reading for YA readers,           The Weekend Australian, 15 December, 2012
         Reviewers Agnes Nieuwenhuizen & Joy Lawn
Included in "Best in Print" recommendations for "teenage reading"           
The Advertiser, 15 December, 2012
Selected in Ruth Starke's "Best of 2012" recommended titles in the           
Australian Book Review Dec, 2012


Published 2012



What people are saying

Rosanne Hawke is writing very important books for young adults set in Pakistan...Her novels have the authority and integrity of someone who genuinely knows and cares for her characters...Uncle Javaid is obsessive in his search for Razaq and this, along with Razaq's growing love for Tahira, is a source of hope...The reality of child trafficking is shocking and distressing and Hawke reveals much of the agony and despair of the affected children. Shelters and aid for these children exist but her novel will increase awareness, and perhaps lead to action, in mature secondary school readers.

       Joy Lawn, Magpies, May 2012


This is one extraordinary book. Every sentence breathes the essence of life in the Muslim world... Rosanne Hawke also paints the seamier side of life particularly well... This is an important book for secondary students to read. Not only do they get a particularly good story, well told, but they will learn much about a society that is often villified in our press. In Razaq and the other children he meets, we see what happens to children in war or a disaster where protection for the vulnerable is ignored.

       Fran Knight, ReadPlus


Rosanne Hawke writes from the heart. With the experience of participating in aidwork in Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, her stories are informed and real. The reader can truly imagine the places she describes, and empathise with each of the young, abused children. And the children she portrays are also real. Razaq’s growing understanding of his situation reflects the innocence of many real children who are caught in child slavery; thus, the story opens our eyes to the tragic situation of many children caught in the web of the child trafficking in many places around the world.

        Linda, Weeksy Reviews, 2012


The local author of Marrying Ameera has produced another well-informed, well-written and harrowing novel set in Pakistan and based on the trafficking of children.  Nimble fingered six-year-olds go to carpet factories; striking, green-eyed mountain boys like 14-year-old Razaq are sold as sex-slaves. He hopes to escape and find his uncle who works in the city, but escape is not easy, especially after he falls in love with a Christian girl being groomed as a dancer and prostitute. Hawke's plot is as read-at-a-sitting gripping as it is disturbing, but her novel has a happier ending than one fears might be the case in real life. Proceeds from the book will help to rehabilitate trafficked children.

       Katharine England, The Advertiser


I had to share with you the fact that I just finished  Rosanne Hawke's latest book - Mountain Wolf, which I purchased for our collection. It's an absolutely fantastic read. I have enjoyed all of her books and always keep a look out to purchase her latest for the collection. I would really recommend reading this!

       Bernice, librarian


Congratulations on Mountain Wolf being chosen as a Notable Book. I read it on a plane flight to Sydney recently and found it extremely moving and disturbing, as well as beautifully written.

       Annette Wickes, author


 Just wanted to say I read Mountain Wolf and was thoroughly engrossed in the story. As usual, you've done an amazing job of tackling a difficult subject with sensitivity. And on top of that, it's a great read. 

        Marianne Musgrove, Author


I just thought I would send a quick email to let you know that I have recently read your latest book Mountain Wolf. It was a book that I devoured over a couple of days and while it was intense and confronting, it was such an inspiring read and throughly enjoyed it. The way you tackled and wrote about Razaq's life was done in such a way I felt I could really understand and feel what he was going through and shocked at the circumstances that he was forced into but sensed the sensitivity you had for the reader in the details you shared and withheld! Thankyou for once again providing a book that challenges and stirs me to think about my life and how blessed I am to live in Australia and have the security and life I have. But at the same time encourage within me to not settle for a life that neglects others nor a life that is selfish and ignorant of situations and people who struggle and life without freedom!

        Todd Shearer, teacher

I have just finished your powerful and deeply moving book. Your book was raw, honest and compassionate. It did not shy away from dreadful truths, but you told the story with a dignity that your memorable, decent protagonists deserved. Thank you for writing a book that truly deserves acclaim. I will certainly encourage others to read it.

        Glenda Millard, author

I just have to tell you I burst into tears at the end of this book. I felt so overwhelmed with sadness. The whole of the way through the book my heart was pounding and pacing. I can't remember another book that has had me in such a state.

The thought of those poor children and the suffering is almost unbearable as I live my life here. Rose you are an amazing brave writer and I hope and pray that this book goes some way in raising the plight of these children.

       Carole Carroll, Literary Booking Agent

I finished reading Mountain Wolf and just loved it. So tragically real, I shed a few tears. Well done, congratulations, it is a wonderful tribute. 

       Lyn White, Freelance Series Editor

I couldn't put Mountain Wolf down and finished it in one sitting. I couldn't say I enjoyed it because of the horrendous tale it told, it made me really feel for the children and for the relatives searching for them. However, I loved the writing and the characterisation. I also liked the expressions of religious faith, both Muslim and Christian. We sometimes forget about the Christians in Pakistan, and in today's world it is good to read of the ordinary faithful Muslims, who don't 'hate' as we would believe if we listened to all the news stories. As with all Rosanne's books, there is always hope, very important when writing for young people.   

        Maryanne, Kapunda Library


Rosanne Hawke delivers a confronting novel which simultaneously deals with the issues of child slavery and prostitution sensitively. Her novel explores the themes of social justice for those without power and is essential reading.

This reviewer found the novel compelling reading and yet was shocked by the fact that child slavery exists on such a scale in Pakistan. Rosanne Hawke has again provided us with characters able to overcome harrowing circumstances, via a narrative which is both authentically written and thought provoking.

Mountain Wolf is confronting and not suitable for primary school libraries or the children's sections of public libraries due to some of its content.

          Sharon McGuinness, Buzz Words Reviews



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