I began writing through telling stories. I used to play a storytelling game with my children, where a child chose a character and a setting and a problem. One night in Pakistan my 13 year-old daughter asked me to tell a story about a teenage girl and a kidnapping in Afghanistan. After the telling she asked me to write the story for her birthday. I finally had an incentive to write and realised I really liked doing it, just like when I was young. That first exciting story is now called The War Within, a YA novel.
Try telling stories with your friends or your family. You can use cards like those from games like Dixit or make your own cards of characters, settings and problems. Click on the button 'Play a Storytelling Game' and try it for yourself.
Storytelling helps you become a writer. You'll find you already tell stories to your friends, like, what you did on the weekend, recounting a movie or a book you've read. Just take it a step further. When a person is listening you have to think of something to say to keep them interested.
Try it and see. It's fun.

This is a very special person telling her
family a story. Family traditions live on.
Cats like stories too.